1 Day Introduction to Map and Compass skills course – FEB 2018

Filed in Summer by on January 15, 2018 0 Comments • views: 2241

We get lots of messages and emails from people wanting to learn the valuable skills of how to navigate with a map and compass, but feel our 2 day course may be a bit advanced or a bit much to take in all at once, well, how about a 1 day introduction to coax you into the black art!!…..the 1 day course will cover all of the 2 day course subjects, just not in as much detail. This is a great course for all the family, a relaxed, fun and educational day that will give you the necessary skills to keep yourself safe out in the mountains. We are running 1 day courses on the 10th and 17th of Febuary 2018, and can run bespoke courses on any day for groups of 3 or more. Please click here for details of the course and prices.


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