Abseiling a plenty!!

Filed in Summer by on October 21, 2013 0 Comments • views: 1487
The last few days have been an Abseil -a- thon!! firstly we had father and son (Dave and Elliot) wanting to sample abseiling at Hodge close near Coniston, they both braved leaning back over a 50ft drop and made short work of the wall, cheers guys,  we then had the Marcus family on Saturday, who wanted to visit Cathedral quarry, they had walked around the venue a few times over the last couple of y…ears and had always fancied a go at the abseiling, we dodged the showers and tackled the small wall (35ft) which everybody tackled well, even though all feared heights!! obviously, everybody laughed when I mentioned the main wall (150ft)!! but a great day was had by all……………and lastly, I took the Choo-choy family out today who have booked 3 days of multi activities during this week, we met at 9am with a plan of going rock climbing, but the weather had very different ideas! the rain made this a near impossibility, so after a group discussion, they decided on a full day of Abseiling, we started at Tilberthwaite in the rain, we then headed over to Hodge close in the rain, followed by Cathedrals main wall, again in the rain!! hats off to this family, the weather has been terrible bordering on unbearable, but they did not complain once! and really enjoyed the whole day, lets hope the weather improves during the week and we can get out on the rock.

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